St. Mark's New Canaan
St. Mark's New Canaan
11.24.24 "What Is Truth?" - The Reverend John Kennedy
“What is truth?” Pontius Pilate's infamous question to Jesus resonates deeply in our "post-truth" era, where facts are contested, and reality feels fragmented. This thought-provoking sermon explores the crisis of truth in our world, juxtaposing Pilate’s encounter with Jesus—Truth incarnate—against modern challenges of misinformation, ideological division, and the erosion of shared reality. Consider how Jesus' unwavering embodiment of truth and love offers a transformative path forward. In a world of competing narratives, the message is clear: truth isn’t a weapon of power but a call to justice, humility, and unity under Christ’s reign.
The Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King
#episcopal #episcopalchurch #episcopalian #church #jesusmovement #wayoflove #christian #anglican #allarewelcome #christianity #prayer #jesus #iglesiaepiscopal #theology #anglicanchurch #holyspririt #faith #stmarksnewcanaaan #ens #ecct #spirituality #bible #scriptures #joy #peace #grace #hope